Forensic Watermarking for Video

Serveur KeyOS MultiMark

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Filigrane juste-à-temps avec DRM

A Wholistic Approach to Securing Your Digital Fortress

Forensic Watermarking, coupled with DRM (Digital Rights Management), offers the absolute highest levels of security for streaming video. Not just an SDK, KeyOS MultiMark Server includes a complete ecosystem with support for both Live Streaming and Video on Demand (VOD).

Obtain the most Premium Content and support Live Broadcasts with studio-approved Forensic Watermarking Technologies.

Forensic Watermarking for Streaming Video

A Complete Watermarking Solution

KeyOS MultiMark Server includes a profiler, ingester, and a streaming/origin server that operates Just in Time to insert each unique watermark dynamically, package the content with DRM (Digital Rights Management), and stream it out to your users.


Forensic watermarking is invisible to the user and does not induce any additional latency or degradation of video quality. With unique yet hidden identifiers inserted into every so many frames and the size of a pixel, pirates and bad actors have no idea they are interacting with watermarked content.

Support for Both Live Streaming + VOD

With server-side Forensic Watermarking for VOD (Video on Demand), each stream is unique for each user. For Live Streaming and Broadcasts, A/B Switching at the CDN (Content Delivery Network) level is employed to interlace A&B fragments that are unique to the user. Recover a pirated copy in the "wild," we can run it through a detection service to uniquely identify the offender.

Robust Video Security

Forensic Watermarking provides the highest levels of security for streaming video available today. While Digital Rights Management prevents access, unauthorized users, and the sharing of DRM-protected content, Forensic Watermarking uniquely identifies offenders when there might be a compromise in DRM technology or some other portion of your video streaming workflow.

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MultiMark Server Explained

Comment ça fonctionne

Le serveur MultiMark est une plate-forme de filigranage et de DRM juste à temps (JIT) qui permet aux opérateurs de streaming de filigraner le contenu vidéo JIT et de le protéger avec DRM avant sa distribution. La plate-forme inclut la prise en charge des formats de streaming DASH et HLS et des DRM grand public, Apple FairPlay, Google Widevine et Microsoft PlayReady. MultiMark crée et gère les métadonnées de filigrane (WFM) qui sont les enregistrements uniques de toutes les sessions de filigrane. Lorsqu'un piratage a été détecté, WFM est injecté dans un processus de détection sécurisé de l'échantillon de contenu piraté pour suivre tout abus directement jusqu'au contrevenant.

Commencez à sécuriser votre contenu aujourd'hui avec KeyOS

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