Demo del Servizio KeyOS MultiKey con KeyOS WebPlay HTML5 Player
Here we provide a demo interface to test different encrypted media content types (DASH and HLS) that are included in a playlist below the WebPlay HTML5 player. If you are also a BuyDRM customer, you can use this demo to test your own encrypted media content. Click here to view our compatibility matrix.
Widevine Hardware Decryption With Screen Recording Prevention is disabled.
Widevine Hardware Decryption With Screen Recording Prevention is enabled.
NOTE:Widevine Hardware Decryption With Screen Recording Prevention
is available on Android only in Chrome, Edge (Chromium) and Opera browsers.
I clienti che hanno BuyDRM come fornitore DRM possono utilizzare questa pagina demo per testare i propri contenuti crittografati. Per questo è necessario passare l'XML di autenticazione e l'URL del contenuto crittografato nei campi appropriati sottostanti e fare clic sul pulsante "Riproduci streaming".